1:1 Coaching with Vicki

Ready for a change, but don’t know where to begin
I can help

Do you feel like there’s so much you want to do and achieve but it feels like everything is a priority?

In this 1:1 coaching program, we’ll work together to identify your vision, the changes you want to make, we’ll prioritize and set goals, and start working towards your vision!

You’ll learn about the 7 levels of energy, how you’re showing up energetically, and how you can use this knowledge to shift your mindset and your energy to achieve your goals.

I finished my coaching certification just before the world shutdown
in March 2020 due to the COVID pandemic.

I truly believe the skills and knowledge I gained from my training, including the 7 levels of energy, helped me successfully manage the uncertainty
with grace
and support my family and colleagues.

I want to help you do the same.

How 1:1 Coaching Works

In 1:1 coaching we deep dive into various areas of your life and identify what your vision is. We’ll use an assessment tool to look at your energy levels and how you’re currently showing up energetically and identify opportunities for change or growth.

Even though we’re working together, you will always be the one deciding what’s right for you and your situation. I believe you have the answers within you 

The 1:1 coaching program is available in 3, 6, 9, or 12 month options. We’ll have two 1:1 coaching sessions per month with support in between.

“Vicki has, as a coach and mentor, helped me significantly.

Through her compassionate way of discussing leadership energy levels and weaving in coaching opportunities, she helped me face my limiting beliefs so I could
move forward with authenticity and live out my leadership skills.

Vicki opened my eyes up to alternate ways of thinking and gently encouraged me
to approach struggles from a different perspective.

Our study on leadership and energy levels was enlightening and liberating!

I highly recommend Vicki to any of my friends and work colleagues.

She is kind, compassionate, and genuine.

Thank you, Vicki!”

~ Anita Miersma ~

1:1 Coaching includes

  • A partner and a cheerleader - I will cheer you on, ask empowering questions, and gently share observations and new perspectives

  • Welcome package with more details about me, how we work together, and my policies and expectations

  • Energy Leadership Index Assessment and debrief

    • You’ll receive one pre- and post-coaching so we can see the energetic shifts you made during our time together

  • One 60-90 minute intake session where we’ll dive deep into what you’d like to accomplish with coaching and where you feel stuck

  • Two 45-minute sessions per month to work through the mini-goals that connect to your overall vision

  • Reflection points (every 3 months) to celebrate you and ensure we’re still on track

  • Email support between sessions and 3 months post-coaching via email

  • Post-session notes and action items sent via email

  • Worksheets, tools, and templates will be developed and shared as needed

  • SCOPE app so you can start measuring and enhancing your energy in the moment

  • 3 month package

    $2,222 CDN

    6 - 1:1 coaching sessions over a period of 3 months.

  • 6 month package

    $3,333 CDN

    12 - 1:1 coaching sessions over a period of 6 months.

  • 9 month package

    $4,444 CDN

    18 - 1:1 coaching sessions over a period of 9 months.

  • 12 month package

    $5,555 CDN

    24 - 1:1 coaching sessions over a period of 12 months.

Questions & Answers

  • I want to do my best to provide a coaching program that is accessible.

    I offer a limited number of sliding scale spaces for the 3 month package. The sliding scale fees are $1,111 CDN and $777 CDN.

    Additionally, I offer one scholarship per month for 1:1 coaching. This includes 4 - 1:1 coaching sessions over a period of 1 month. For new clients only.

  • The ELI is a 20-minute online assessment to help you understand how you show energetically in times of stress and when times are good. As part of the assessment, you’ll learn about the 7 levels of energy framework that can help you consciously choose how you show up energetically which has been shown to drive positive changes and increased life satisfaction.

  • SCOPE stands for Specific Current Operational Profile of Energy.

    SCOPE is a free assessment app that measures your energy in the moment in relation to what you’re about to do. You can take it before any task, activity, or performance. It reveals what’s most influencing your energy at that moment, and provides you with the means to intervene and enhance your potential to take positive action, in real time.

Your skill doesn’t change from day-to-day.

It’s your energy that changes and affects
how you show up.