Inner Voice Sessions

What if the answer was always inside you, but you just didn’t know how to access it

The Inner Voice Session is an opportunity for you to quiet your mind and connect to your intuition to receive personalized inner guidance on the topics your mind has the most questions about.

We’re so comfortable listening to the gremlin or inner critic in our head, why not learn to listen to the more supportive, compassionate, loving words of your Inner Voice.

It’s time to turn down the volume on your
inner critic and turn up the volume on
your inner wisdom

“My inner voice session with Vicki was magical. I had never done one and was nervous about connecting with my IV and staying there the whole time but, with her guidance, I was able to quickly access a place of deep wisdom and our time flew by. She gave me the space I needed and asked impactful, carefully timed questions to ensure I got the answers I needed while not interrupting my flow. She helped me to release tightly held, historical “bean bags” and the physical and emotional relief was instantaneous. I have a renewed sense of energy and peace after my session and, by asking my IV for physical cues along the way, Vicki ensured that I can access these feelings again later. I’m deeply grateful for her facilitation expertise and highly recommend her.”

~ Rebecca

Give yourself the gift of an hour to connect to your Inner Voice

What could happen during your Inner Voice Session:

  • You may receive direct and actionable actions to take

  • You may have epiphanies or a-ha moments about various areas of your life

  • You may get clarity on an area you feel stuck

  • You may develop a newfound peace with the unknown

  • You may release emotional energy that is no longer serving you (emotional bean bags)

What to expect
Special introductory rate $111
(reg. $222)

  • The Session

    60-90 minutes for you to bask in the beauty and wisdom of your Inner Voice.

  • Session Recording

    A recording of the session so your mind can rest knowing you can listen to it later.

  • Summary and Affirmation

    Key comments from your Inner Voice and a personalized affirmation summing up the wisdom from your Inner Voice.

Vicki is amazing. She held space for my inner voice so beautifully and allowed me to really connect to my inner being. Thank you Vicki for allowing me to process my bean bags and get such good wisdom from my IV.

~ Taylor

What an absolutely lovely experience. Vicki showed up with so much space in love and patience for me. It felt safe, wholesome and transformative.
Thank you thank you thank you!!

~ Kaitlyn

Questions & Answers

  • You may know your Inner Voice as your intuition, inner wisdom, inner knowing, or highest self. Or you may identify it as a feeling in your gut or in your heart. Either way, it’s with us all the time, and when we practice quieting our mind and allowing space for it to come through we can have access to it whenever we want.

  • During a session you can expect something similar to a guided meditation. I’ll lead you through some breathing and set expectations for the session. You’ll breathe deeper and deeper into the place in your body where you hear or feel your Inner Voice or intuition and then I’ll ask questions and hold space for your Inner Voice to come through. Additionally, you may release what we call emotional bean bags, which can best be described as stuck emotions and energy.

  • Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed while we’re in session. You can grab your favourite tea or a glass of water, blankets and pillows, light candles or incense, whatever will help you feel comfortable. Additionally, for clarity purposes on my end and yours and for the recording, it helps if you have headphones with a microphone. 

  • This is something I'll walk you through during the session, if they come up. It’s something that must be experienced. Bella Lively, uses the analogy of surfing. I can’t teach you how to surf by telling you, it’s something you have to experience in order to learn.